The OSKAR coaching model was developed by Mark McKergow and Paul Z Jackson around the year 2000. We originally developed the model for the Coaching for Results programme in Walkers Snackfoods, and it has since proved a versatile and flexible guideline for independent coaches as well as managers working as coaches. Indeed, it is now widely seen as an important coaching model in its own right.
OSKAR stands for:OUTCOME: What is the objective of this coaching? SCALING: On a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 representing the Future Perfect, and 0 the worst it has ever been, where are you on that scale today? |
What helps you perform at n on the scale, rather than 0?
When does the outcome already happen for you - even a little bit?
What did you did to make that happen? How did you do that?
What did you do differently?
What would other people say you are doing well?
What's particularly impressive so far - about strengths and resources employed
What is the next small step? What would you like to do personally, straight away?
You are at n now, what would it take to get you to n+1?
What's better?
What did you do that made the change happen?
What effects have the changes had?
What do you think will change next?
OSKAR offers some useful differences with other models such as GROW.
Read a white paper about OSKAR coaching
Read a paper describing differences between OSKAR and GROW
You can get OSKAR into your organisation with our SF Coaching for Leaders programme or with a bespoke OSKAR training.
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