Presented at International Alliance for Learning conference,
Atlanta, Georgia USA, 14 Jan 2000.
The technical training team at BNFL Magnox Generation provides essential initial and revision training for staff working at our nuclear power station in the United Kingdom. This paper outlines how accelerated learning techniques have been successfully applied to a series of complex technical training course, and the results achieved. Benefits obtained include shorter programmes (by an average of 38%) and consequent cost savings (over $1,100 per person per course), similar or better assessment results based on the same criteria and reduced course drop-outs. Additional benefits observed by the team include better learning retention and improved learner attitude towards future training.
SEAL Journal, Summer 98 pp 34 - 35
Scientists in unconscious learning breakthrough shock horror probe.... Amongst the latest publications, "The Handbook of Implicit Learning" (Stadler & French, 1997) caught my eye. Described as "a readable, rigorous overview of one of the most exciting domains in contemporary cognitive psychology; the role of non-conscious processes in thought, affect and behaviour.", I was intrigued to find out what the academic psychology community is now investigating.
in Learning Company Conference 1994: Collected Papers
(eds G Welshman, T Boydell, J Burgoyne and M Pedler), pp 146 - 153 (1994)
This paper addresses the differences between first-level learning (change within a framework) and second-level learning (change to the framework itself) in organisations. Examples of both types are given. The use of systems thinking is considered in relation to organisational learning, and the impact of system complexity on the ways we examine and use systems concepts is discussed. Complex systems behaviour is non-deterministic, and therefore obtaining feedback from the system in action is the most feasible way of working with it. Guidelines for second level learning based on acting systemically, rather than thinking systemically, are given.
462 days ago
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