SF Tips from sfwork are appearing from time to time as part of our work to help you use Solutions Focus ideas at work. Sign up to get them directly using the sign-up box on the right.
2. Break the deadlock with the power of what's wanted
1. How to use SF without appearing annoying/deluded/Polyannish?
The McKergow Quarterly is sfwork's newsletter and update publication. The title of the publication is, of course, a deliberate poke at the famous McKinsey Quarterly. While we may not be able (yet) to match the scope and reach of that famous title, we aim to bring you the latest developments in the field of Solutions Focus - still way ahead of the big consulting firms.
Appearing every three months, you'll be able to read about our practical tools, latest assignments, publications, events, customers and how to join in with us in learning and applying SF ideas to 'building progress rapidly in tough situations'.
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Issue 7, Spring 2013: The first SF research conference, Peter Röhrig workshop in London on using SF activities, accelerated learning was a blast for participants from as far away as Japan and Saudi Arabia, and much more.
Issue 6, Winter 2013: Engaging everyone: how people get 'difficult' and what to do using SF and Accelerated Learning, SF as a new Copernican revolution by Jenny Clarke, 'Missions and Magnums at Unilever Walls ice-cream, host leadership tackles responsiveness and flexibility, London Bateson Salon in Feb 2013 and much more
Issue 5, Autumn 2012: Mark's new book project: website and paper on host leadership, online soft power event, SF 'a significant competitive advantage' in software development, London Bateson Salon report, Accelerated Learning in 2013 and much more
Issue 4, Summer 2012: SF and the Asian connection - Japanese managers, post-tsunami recovery work. J-SOL conference, Kaizen vs SF and much more
Issue 3, Spring 2012: Nora Bateson London event, rippling change in a large complex organisation, complexity & SF therapy book chapter and much more
Issue 2, Winter 2012: iFLOW: SF and time management, getting on target with large teams, Nora Bateson interview and much more
Issue 1, Autumn 2011: Solution-building with team conflict, working the TED Fellows and much more
431 days ago
718 days ago
840 days ago
847 days ago