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International organisations

SFiO sfio.org is the organisation for SF consultants, trainers and coaches. Mark and Jenny are both reviewed contributors (ie full members). 

SFiO publishes the journal InterAction, a great resource for SF coaches and consultants

SOLWorld (www.solworld.org) is the international open-access community of SF practitioners in organisations, management and business settings. Mark and Jenny were instrumental in organising the first two SolWorld conferences in 2002 and 2003, and continue to be at the centre of new developments within the group. We hold an international conference and other events each year.  In 2020 SOLworld has over 1000 members.

SOLWorldList is the email discussion group which forms part of SOLWorld. It's free to join, and in November 2011 had around 600 members.

Mark's connections

Read and follow Mark's academic papers at his Academia page http://herts.academia.edu/MMcKergow

Key international partners of sfwork
Our international partners - organisations with whom we have continuing collaborations in developing Solutions Focused ideas in the workplace.

www.clues.se CLUes, Sweden - Eva Persson and the Centre for SF Development

www.sf-academy.com The Academy of Solution Focused Training, Singapore. Debbie Hogan and colleagues.

www.solutionsacademy.com Kirsten Dierolf with teleclasses, SF heros cards and more.

www.ilfaro.be Anton Stellamans and Liselotte Baeijaert deliver SF programmes in Belgium.

www.solutionfocus.jp Yasuteru Aoki and SF in Japan.

www.glasgrp.com Alan Kay and the Glasgow Group, Toronto, Canada.

www.solutionsurfers.com - Peter Szabo, Daniel Meier and colleages in Switzerland

www.solutionsdoc.co.uk Dr Alasdair Macdonald has the latest on SF research.

www.soluzionicreative.it Marco Matera produced The Solutions Focus in Italian and does interesting work there

www.antoinetteoglethorpe.com - sfwork's Antoinette Oglethorpe specialises in executive development and career advice on self-employment

Other bloggers in SF & organisations

www.solutionsacademy.net - Kirsten Dierolf from Germany

www.progressfocused.com/ - Coert Visser from the Netherlands

www.solutionfocuscoach.com - Peter West from Canada

SF in organisations

www.thesolutionsfocus.co.uk Mark's co-author Paul Z Jackson and Janine Waldman offer coaching, facilitation and training design

www.johnhendenconsultancy.co.uk - John Henden, Mark and Jenny's Bristol Solutions Group colleague

www.solutionwork.se with Michael Hjerth and Caroline Klingenstierna in Stockholm

www.solutionsurfers.com Peter Szabo's site with Skaleboards and much more.

www.weiterbildungsforum.ch/de/ Weiterbildungsforum, Basel. Coaching and coach training in Switzerland with Peter Szabo.

www.louiscauffman.com Belgium. Louis Cauffman's Solutions Tango book and more.

www.syst.info/de Matthias Varga von Kibéd and Insa Sparrer's institute for Systemic Stuctural Constellations and Solution Focused work.

www.korn.ch Hans-Peter Korn's 'Playground for Team Solutions' - an interactive hyper-show and much more.

Buy SOL 2006 DVDs from Hans-Peter, including panels on the Roots of Solutions Focused Work and the Future of SF Management. Money goes to Insoo Kim Berg fund

www.nexttools.net Günter Lueger's website for SF management tools (in German).

www.taitoba.fi - Peter Sundman and colleagues in Finland with coaching, therapy, consulting and more

www.reteaming.com Ben Furman's Reteaming homepages, Finland.

www.fkc.se FKC Mellansjö school - The most SF organisation in the world?

www.fletcherpeacockcommunicationsolutions.com Fletcher Peacock Enterprises. Solution Focused Communication, seminars and talks, based in Quebec, Canada. Includes information in French.

www.agens.as AGENS Positiv Utvikling. SF and other positive approaches in Norway.

www.handlungsspielraeume.com Kati Hankovsky. Team and individual SF coaching and training, also in German and Hungarian.

www.breakthrough-solutions.com John Sproson

www.mehlem-institut.de Dr Peter Röhrig (in German).

www.corpjesters.com Mike Goran makes fun out of business in Canada.

www.synergia.co.nz Miles Shepheard with consulting and coaching in New Zealand.

www.ilfaro.be Anton Stellamans, Liselotte Baeijaert and others with peace building and consulting from Belgium.

www.sfe4u.org os Kerstin Mahlberg and Maud Sjoblom's site about SF Education, which also features their excellent book


Appreciative Inquiry and other new wave approaches

appreciativeinquiry.case.edu The Ai Commons with lots of Ai resources and cases.


Self-Help and other interesting places

www.weiner-davis.com Michelle Weiner-Davis's pages for self-help, relationships and women's issues.

www.sueknight.co.uk Sue Knight - NLP training and more for business.


SF in therapy

www.ukasfp.co.uk UK Association for SF Practice - including therapy and many other SF applications

www.brief-therapy.org Brief Family Therapy Centre, Milwaukee - the home of Solution Focused Brief Therapy.

www.solutionfocused.net The Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy, Yvonne Dolan and Terry Trepper.

www.brieftherapysydney.com.au Michael Durrant including an excellent selection of SF links.

www.talkingcure.com ISTC - The Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change.

www.0to10.net Joel Simon, New York State, USA.

www.solutionfocus.dk Solutionfocus, Denmark - training, therapy, events.

www.loesungsfokussiert.de ILK - Institut für lösungsfokussierte Kommunikation, Bielefeld - therapy, training, coaching, supervision.

www.brief-therapy-uk.com Eileen Murphy Consultants - SF training, particularly for schools and community projects in the UK.

www.solution-focused-practice.co.uk SF therapy and training with Rob Black.
