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Exploring SF Philosophy and Practice
Steve de Shazer
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Articles by Other People
Leader as Host: Host as Leader - Towards a new yet ancient metaphor
Mark McKergow
Published as McKergow, M. W. ??). Leader as Host, Host as Leader: Towards a new yet ancient metaphor. International Journal for Leadership in Public Services Vol 5 No 1 pp 19-24
The idea of leader as host came to me very suddenly on 16th February 2003, during a seminar by Matthias Varga von Kibéd and Insa Sparrer. It seems to me that the metaphor of leader as host offers a view on leadership that is at once rooted in millennia of practice and at the same time is something new and timely. Such metaphors are very important in my view – they offer a rich and broad set of ideas about leadership in a way which allows interpretation into many different real life situations. Rather than a prescription, such metaphors offer us a way to engage with often difficult situations and quickly alter our thinking to come from another place. Building on the existing ideas of heroic and servant leadership, I hope you will find inspiration of a very practical kind in the metaphor and practice of the host.
Riding the storm - SF strategic planning with BBC Performing Groups
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Published in Classical Music magazine April 2009
sfwork's Bruce Woodings works with BBC senior managers to build a strategy to help ride the economic downturn. "The question in today's world is about how we positively deal with the complexities of an uncertain future." Read the article to discover how sfwork anbd the power of small steps helped this part of the BBC to deliver results well beyond their expectations. IMB pdf)
Meanings affect the heart - SF questions and heart coherence
Kees Blase (HeartMath Netherlands) and Mark McKergow (sfwork - The Centre for Solutions Focus at Work)
Published in Solution Focused Management, edited by Günter Lueger and Hans-Peter Korn, Rainer Haupp Verlag (Vienna) 2006, pages 111-119.
In Solution Focused work we do not talk about emotions, but we are bringing clients in a process directly affecting emotion. Clients often experience the process of moving from a state of some frustration to appreciation. In this paper we discuss the view of emotions as personal experiences for the client, which may be correlated with Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV is easily measurable using sensors and computer software. During the conference session related to this paper we conducted an experiment to measure HRV during a solutions focused coaching interview, to investigate the nature of any correlation between 'solution talk' and HRV. We hypothesise that solution talk may enhance HRV, as compared with problem talk. The results from a live experiment at the SOL 2006 conference in Vienna are presented, which show significant increases in heart coherence during an SF coaching session.
Solution Focused Education
by Kerstin Mahlberg, Maud Sjoblom and Mark McKergow
From Teaching Expertise magazine, December 2005.
This article describes the basics of the SF Education approach in use at the FKC
special school near Stockholm, Sweden.
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