The peer-reviewed journal InterAction: The Journal of Solution Focus in Organisations was published by the Association for the Quality Development of Solution Focused Consulting and Training (SFCT) from 2009-2016. The sixteen issues were published in print, and covered many topics, with contributions from a wide range of authors. Since SFCT has now been dissolved, this archive presents the papers and articles for all to see, use and learn from. If you are citing to one of these papers, please ensure you do so correctly!
The editorial team was Kirsten Dierolf, Carey Glass, Anton Stellamans and Mark McKergow. Big thanks to all for our sustained high-quality work.
InterAction is now presented in a different online format by the organisation Solution Focus In Organisations (SFIO). You can read the most recent issues at
1. Editorial
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Better Decision Making with Solution-Focused Coaching, Mark McKergow
Case Study
3. Moving Fast at Highways England: Using SF to engage complex adaptive responses, Carey Glass and Jeremy Bloom
Classic SF Paper
4. Introduction to Gale Miller: The man behind the mirror at BFTC, Mark McKergow
5. Gale Miller: The man behind the mirror at BFTC, Mark McKergow
6. Enactivism and the future of mind: Interview with Daniel D Hutto, Mark McKergow and Kirsten Dierolf
Research Review
7. Research Review, Klaus Schenck
Book Reviews
8. Gervase Bushe and Robert Marshak: Dialogic OD
9. Vincent Descombes: The Mind's Provisions: A Critique of Cognitivism
10. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Extended mind, extended person, extended therapy?, Guy Shennan
3. Solution Focused practice: engaging with the client as a first-person, rather than a third-person, Mark McKergow
Classic SF Paper
4. Introduction to Clark & Chalmers The Extended Mind, Mark McKergow
5. The Extended Mind, Andy Clark and David Chalmers (1998)
Case Studies
6. What experiences can you share? A new format for our case studies, Anton Stellamans
7. Improving our effectiveness: An interview with Scott D. Miller, Kirsten Dierolf
8. Research Review, Hannes Couvreur
9. Review: Sirkkaliisa Heimonen (Finland)
Book Reviews
10. Todd Rose: The End of Average
11. Richard Pascale, Jerry Sternin and Monique Sternin: The Power of Positive Deviance
12. Jon Harvey: Cracking Questions
13. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Solution Focus: A methodology for workshops to train hospital staff in end of life conversations and documentation, Emily Mckean
3. The Cuddle Case/A Damn Good Boss: Two Coaching Cases, Chris Iveson, Peter Szabó and Susanne Burgstaller
Classic SF Paper
4. Introduction to "Have you heard the latest rumor about...? Solution-Focused Therapy as a rumor" by Gale Miller and Steve de Shazer (1998), Anton Stellamans
5. Have you heard the latest rumor about...? Solution-Focused therapy as a rumor (1998), Gale Miller and Steve de Shazer
Case Studies
6. In the Lion's Den: Introducing SF Into Risk Management – A Practitioner's Report, Stefan Kreil
7. Shared Responsibility Approach: How to resolve bullying in three steps, Heike Blum and Detlef Beck
8. Achieve Tough Targets: John Pelton on using Solution Focus to achieve a tough target and resolve a difficult challenge at HS2, John Brooker
9. From diagnosis to dialogue in Organisational Development - an interview with Susanne Burgstaller, Mark McKergow
10. Research Review, Carey Glass
Member Appreciations
11. Tributes and appreciation to Steve Onyett and Greg Vinnicombe
Book Reviews
12. Patricia Lustig: Strategic Foresight - Learning from the future
13. Encounters with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg. Inside Stories of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
14. Rayya Ghul: The Power of the Next Small Step: What's the best that could happen?
15. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Widening our readership
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Solution-focused approach in a maintenance support team in social services, Susann Öster
Classic SF Paper
3. Introduction to "Towards Positions of Safe Uncertainty", John Wheeler
4. Towards Positions of Safe Uncertainty (1993), Barry Mason
Case Studies
5. The story behind "Effects of solution focused leadership training on productivity and behaviour", Urban Norling
6. O.A.S.I.S: A Solution Focused reflective team format, Liselotte Baeijaert
7. Adopting the language of the business: An interview with John Brooker, Carey Glass
8. Research Review, Yoram Galli
9. SFCT Review review: Brian Jennings
Book Reviews
10. Susanne Burgstaller: Lösungsfokus in Organisationen: Zukunftsorientiert beraten und führen
11. Sian Beilock: How the body knows its mind
12. Dan Hutto and Erik Myin: Radicalizing Enactivism
13. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Celebrating the contribution of Björn Johansson
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Solution Focused Formulations, E. Veronica Bliss
3. Metalogue: "What is an organisation?", Susanne Burgstaller
4. Effects of SF training on productivity and leadership behaviour, Klaus Hoffman, Günter Lueger and Peter Luisser
Classic SF Paper
5. Introduction to Kiser and Piercy, Kirsten Dierolf
6. Creativity and Family Therapy Theory Development: Lessons from the founders of Solution-Focused Therapy, David J Kiser & Fred P Piercy
Case Studies
7. Using a Strength Finder Test for Mental Toughness, Yumiko Morita
8. Change is in the eye of the beholder (2007), Björn Johansson, Eve Persson, Mark McKergow & Jenny Clarke
9. An African perspective on Solution-Focused Coaching: Interview with Lilliane Iculet, Carey Glass & Anton Stellamans
10. Research Review, Jessica Cashman, Kate Munro and Lisa Wyburd
11. SFCT review
Book Reviews
12. Guy Shennan: Solution Focused Practice: Effective Communication to Facilitate Change
13. Natalie Polgar and Katalin Hankovsky (eds): Brief and Simple: Solution Focus in Organisations
14. Adam Grant: Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success
15. Dominik Godat: Lösungen auf der Spur (On the Trail of Solutions)
16. Kirsten Dierolf: Solution Focused Team Coaching
17. Mark McKergow and Helen Bailey: Host
18. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Research and the enactive paradigm
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Burkean Dialectics and Solution-Focused Consultation, Gale Miller
3. Solution-focused practice as a useful addition to the concept of adventure therapy, Stephan Natynczuk
4. Between Philosophy and Therapy: Understanding Systemic Play Therapy through Embodied and Enactive Cognition, Zuzanna Rucinska and Ellen Reijmer
Classic SF Paper
5. Introduction to Special Techniques of Brief Hypnotherapy, Kirsten Dierolf
6. Excerpts from Special Techniques of Brief Hypnotherapy, Milton H Erickson(1954)
Case Studies
7. Solution Focused Future Forum, Jesper Hankovszky Christiansen
8. The shift from problem solving to solution oriented therapy in a child welfare organisation, Marva A Furlongue-Laver
9. SF at the kitchen table - an interview with Alan Kay, Anton Stellamans
10. Research Review, Peter Szabo
Book Reviews
11. Lone Hersted and Kenneth Gergen: Relational Leading
12. Mark Stevenson: An Optimist's Guide to the Future
13. David Shaked: Strength-Based LEAN Six-Sigma
14. Daniel Goleman: Focus - The Hidden Driver of Excellence
15. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Combining Solution Focus with Lean Thinking - What Works Well About It?, David Shaked
3. Solution Focused Leadership - the other side of the elephant, Dominik Godat
4. "So What's a Meta For?", Klaus Schenck
Classic SF Paper
5. Introduction to Four Useful Interventions in Brief Family Therapy, Guy Shennan
6. Four Useful Interventions in Brief Family Therapy, Steve de Shazer and Alex Molnar
Case Studies
7. Using SF To Create Whole System Change In Social Care, Carey Glass
8. Towards better communication and cooperation, Philip Lievens
9. Fifty years of the Interactional View - an interview with Janet Bavelas, Mark McKergow
10. Research Review, Svea van der Hoorn and SFCT reviews
Book Reviews
11. Carin Mussmann & Cornelia Decher: Solution Focused Group Coaching - A Practical Guide
12. Fredrike Bannink: Practicing Positive CBT
13. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Research in SF
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Relating with Self and Others, Kenneth Gergen
3. Introducing SF to your organisation, Jenny Clarke and Shakya Kumara
4. Co-work in SF consultancy, Stefanie Widmann
Case Studies
5. Getting Out Of The Way: An Executive Retreat Facilitation Experience using SF, Paolo Terni
6. Applying a Solution Focused Model for Doctoral Student Motivation, Kat Barclay
Classic SF Paper
7. Introduction to Complexity, Deconstruction and Relativism by Paul Cilliers
8. Complexity, Deconstruction and Relativism, Paul Cilliers
9. Beyond the horizon: Meeting Paul Cilliers, Mark McKergow
10. Research Reviews, Rayya Ghul
11. SFCT Reviews Riku Jarvinen, Annette Gray
12. John Sproson remembered
Book Reviews
13. Solution-Focused Supervision by Frank N Thomas
14. Yes to the Mess: Surprising Leadership Lessons from Jazz by Frank J Barrett
15. Wittgenstein's Metaphilosophy by Paul Horwich
16. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Towards useful organising in the SF world
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Is SF a Systemic Approach?, Kirsten Dierolf
3. Engaging with the Scottish Government's Agenda on Health and Social Care , Steve Smith and Graham Buchanan
Case Studies
4. Finding the First Small Steps Forward: Managing Change in a Small Team Setting at a Canadian Not For Profit Organisation, Rani Meerabi Pooran
5. Photography – a powerful tool in Solution Focused use, Marika Tammeaid
Classic SF Paper
6. Introduction to Making Numbers Talk, Harvey Ratner
7. Making Numbers Talk: Language in Therapy, Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer
8. Rom Harré: The new psychology: discursive practices, not internal forces
9. Monika Houck: Applying SF in Lufthansa Systems Kft
10. Research Reviews, Gilbert J Greene
Book Reviews
11. Andy Lock & Tom Strong: Discursive Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice
12. Rom Harré & Fathali M Moghaddam: Psychology for the Third Millenium
13. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Training SF:showing, telling - and explaining?
Peer-reviewed Papers: Trainers Conference
2. Practical ideas for stimulating quality in training, Peter Sundman and Björn Johansson
3. Yet another radical paradigm shift: Some congruent ideas about SF Training, Kati Hankovszky, Felix Hirschburger, Daniel Meier, Peter Szabó and Stephanie von Bidder
4. Memorable workshops: Adding variety to our sessions, Jenny Clarke
5. Know it – Show it! Practice projects and project reports as elements of quality development in SF certificate trainings, Peter Röhrig
Discussion Paper
6. Responses to Kuch and Burgstaller
Classic SF Paper
7. Introduction by Kirsten Dierolf
8. On getting unstuck (1974), Steve de Shazer
9. Beyond SF coaching: John Laing Integrated Services - an SF organisation, Janine Waldman and Alison Abington
10. We want to keep what works and evolve from there: Matrax Ltd, Leah Davcheva
11. 1500 papers a year: An interview with Alasdair Macdonald
12. Research review, Michael Durrant
13. SFCT Full Member reviews
Book Reviews
14. Thorana Nelson: Doing Something Different
15. Chris Iveson, Evan George and Harvey Ratner: Brief Coaching A Solution Focused Approach
16. Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer: The Progress Principle
17. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Small next steps for SF theory
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Testing the Association between Solution-Focused Coaching and Client Perceived Coaching Outcomes, Coert Visser
3. Heidegger Undisclosed, Dave Hawkes
Discussion Paper
4. How working with organisations might be different from working with teams and individuals..., Christine Kuch and Susanne Burgstaller
Classic SF Paper
5. Introduction by Kirsten Dierolf
6. Resistance Revisited (1989), Steve de Shazer
7. Creating one team: Business unit culture change at a professional services firm, Annette Gray
8. Uncovering Treasure: Influencing with Solution Focus, Loraine Kennedy and Colin Coombs
9. Nora Bateson: An ecology of conversation
10. Research Reviews, Dave Hawkes
11. SFCT Full Member Reviews
Book Reviews
12. Peggy Holman: Engaging Emergence
13. Cynthia Franklin, Terry Trepper, Wally Gingerich and Eric McCullom: Solution Focused Brief Therapy
14. Peter Röhrig and Jenny Clarke: 57 SF Activities for Facilitators and Consultants
15. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Time to focus on SF training
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Positive Psychology and Solution Focus - looking at similarities and differences, Fredrike Bannink and Paul Z Jackson
3. Common Questions about Solution Focused approaches, Alasdair Macdonald
4. SF practice as an application of discursive psychology – discursive psychology as a theoretical backdrop of SF practice, Kirsten Dierolf
Classic SF Paper
5. Introduction by Alasdair Macdonald
6. A Solution-Focused approach to mental health supervision, Nicholas Triantafillou
7. Wow! A Japanese Bank Adopted SF: How we use SF in problem focused teams, Yuzuru Yoshida
8. Luc Isabaert: Restoring the client's choice of action
9. Research Reviews, Steve Smith
Book Reviews
10. Fredrike Bannink: 1001 Solution-focused Questions
11. Gill Ringland, Oliver Sparrow and Patricia Lustig: Beyond Crisis
12. Richard Pascale, Jerry Sternin and Monique Sternin: The Power of Positive Deviance
13. John Henden: Beating Combat Stress
14. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial: Evidence or credibility?
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Solution Focus – Reflections from Mexico, Sofie Geisler
3. The Coaching Manager, Nick Greer
Classic SF Paper
4. Introduction, Michael Durrant
5. Brief Therapy: Focused Solution Development, Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, Eve Lipchik, Elam Nunnally, Alex Molnar, Wallace Gingerich and Michelle WeinerDavis
6. Solutions Focus and the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) of Indigenous Peoples, John Brooker
7. Team Tease: An SF approach to team motivation, Stanus Cloete
8. Harry Korman: Making the process of co-construction visible
9. Research Reviews, David Weber
Book Reviews
10. Fredrike Bannink: Solution Focused Conflict Resolution
11. Kenneth Gergen: An invitation to social construction (second edition)
12. Paul Z Jackson and Janine Waldman: Positively Speaking: The Art of Constructive Conversations with a Solutions Focus
13. Daniel Hutto: Folk Psychology and the Narrative Practice Hypothesis
14. Letter to the Editors
15. Clues 1.2
1. Editorial
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Self-Determination Theory Meets SolutionFocused Change: Autonomy, competence and relatedness support in action, Coert Visser
3. Meaning is What is Meant – Viktor Frankl's logotherapy, Mag. Sabine Indinger MOP
4. Working Between Two Expert Client, Julie Gregory MBA PGCE (HE)
Classic SF Paper
5. Introduction to 'Emotions in Solution-Focused Therapy: A Re-examination', Rayya Ghul
6. Solution Focused Strategy Canvassing, Adie Shariff and Alison Abington
7. The Sustainably Solution Focused Organisation, Margaret Eaton, Alan Kay and Haesun Moon
8. Chris Iveson: Striving towards minimalism in changing scenery, Mark McKergow and Carey Glass
9. Research Review, Paulo Terni
Book Reviews
10. In Pursuit of Elegance: Why The Best Ideas Have Something Missing, Matthew E. May
11. Time to think: Listening to ignite the human mind, Nancy Kline
12. Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, Chip Heath and Dan Heath
13. Clues 1.1
1. Editorial
Peer-reviewed Papers
2. Supporting Clients' Solution Building Process by Subtly Eliciting Positive Behaviour Descriptions and Expectations of Beneficial Change, Coert Visser & Gwenda Schlundt Bodien
3. Coaching Reloaded - Assumptions of a Brief Coach, Peter Szabó
4. Solution-Focused Interviewing Protocols as Evolutionary Algorithms, Paolo Terni
5. Networking with an SF Outlook, Lina Skantze & Loraine Kennedy
Classic SF Paper
6. Beyond Complaints, Gale Miller & Steve de Shazer
7. "Creating a Workplace Where We All Wanna Go Every Morning!", Yasuteru Aoki
8. Ben Furman: SF Respects the Not Invented Here Syndrome
9. Research Review, Coert Visser
Book Reviews
10. Elliott Connie and Linda Metcalf: The Art of Solution Focused Therapy, Mark McKergow
11. Louis Cauffman and Kirsten Dierolf: The Solution Tango, Svea van der Hoorn
12. Mark McKergow and Jenny Clarke: Solutions Focus Working, Alasdair Macdonald
13. Clues 1.1: How do we NOTICE that a piece of work is using the SF approach?
1. Editorial
2. Introducing SFCT, Kirsten Dierolf
Peer-reviewed Papers
3. SF Conflict Management in Teams and in Organisations, Fredrike P. Bannink
4. Exploring what works: Is SF the best way of harnessing the impact of positive psychology in the workplace?, Carey Glass
5. The Grammar of Neuroscience, Kirsten Dierolf & Mark McKergow
Classic SF Paper
6. Some Thoughts on Language Use in Therapy, Steve de Shazer (1997)
7. Making it Happen with your Team, Paul Z Jackson & Colin Coombs
8. Gale Miller: The man behind the mirror behind the mirror at BFTC, Mark McKergow
Book Reviews
9. Barbara Fredrickson: Positivity, Mark McKergow
10. Rosamund & Benjamin Zander: The Art of Possibility, Tricia Lustig
11. Richard Nesbitt: Intelligence and How to Get It, Coert Visser
12. Clues 1.0: How do we NOTICE that a piece of work is using the SF approach?
431 days ago
718 days ago
840 days ago
847 days ago