| Mark McKergow and Paul Z Jackson's classic book The Solutions Focus: Transforming change for coaches, leaders and consultants is out in a new and fully revised third edition – 22 years after it first appeared. This makes it officially a classic! The book is both about how to achieve transforming change, and also how to transform our view of change in a complex and ever-emerging world. With many new stories of change from around the world, refined techniques and changes on every page, the book will find a new generation of coaches and managers who want to build positive change quickly and effectively. "This book will help us deal with the challenges of our times in intelligent and innovative ways." |
Solutions Focus is already in widespread use by consultants, coaches, facilitators and managers. It can be applied at one-to-one, group or organisational levels. Applications include health and wellbeing, sales and negotiation, team building and leadership, performance management, organisational strategy and even peace-building and climate resilience.
"Mark and Paul's work has stood the test of time – because it works!"
Raymond Aaron, New York Times bestselling author
Revisions to this acclaimed book include updates throughout to position it in the contemporary landscape. Next generation developments are fully covered including new research on embodiment and experience, the role of hosting rather than directing and the importance of detail.
"The Solutions Focus has been a constant go-to resource for me. This third edition is packed with new ideas, approaches, and techniques to add to my coaching toolbox"
Dan Abrahams, bestselling sports psychology author
New case studies from around the world including Tate, Sky TV, the Austrian parliament. a school in Australia and a prefecture in Japan continue the book's legacy of learning from real cases by looking closely at what happens and how it works. New material exploring improvisation and co-constructed stories completes the update and will ensure this book remains the leader in its field for generations to come.
"The world has never needed rapid change for the better than it does now; for anyone looking for solutions to the problems that surround us, this book is a great place to start".
Sir Michael Barber, Author of Accomplishment: How to Achieve Ambitious and Challenging Things
"Asking the Miracle Question opened us to a breakthrough that changed our business. The process is simple, and I believe it can be transformative for any challenge. That's a miracle."
Pete Bissonette, CEO, Learning Strategies, Minnesota USA
"This book is truly a game changer for anyone who wants to create solutions and positive change in any situation involving people and organisations. Mark McKergow and Paul Z Jackson have managed the trick of making the solutions focused approach very accessible and easy to apply for anyone new to these ideas or wanting new inspiration. The Solutions Focus is a must readfor anyone who wants to create change with more speed, more elegance, more use of existing resources, and much more engagement."
Niklas Tiger, senior manager Advania, Sweden
"The Solutions Focus is a masterclass in practical, solution-oriented strategies, perfectly aligned with the dynamic world of high-performance sports. Its insightful principles and models are invaluable for any coach or athlete aiming for excellence by creating unique solutions for unique people."
Dr Steve Ingham, Director of Supporting Champions, Performance Scientist
"Perhaps the hardest thing to teach about the Solution Focused Approach is that it is just as much a way of thinking as it is a technique. In this book about coaching, I think the authors take the readers on a journey that is sure to impact the way they view the work they are doing with clients, and even themselves. For me, that makes this book a massive success and one that I hopeall coaches will add to the reading list."
Elliott Connie, Solution Focused Universe
"It's easy to spend hours discussing what went wrong and who is to blame. A much more practical way of looking at teams and organizations is to see what's working well and do more of that. From that simple premise, this brilliant book, far from sombre in tone and packed with many case studies showing the worth of this approach, will make you see things differently. Its insights and applications will mean you will return to it again and again."
Neil Mullarkey, Comedy Store Player, creative communication coach and author of In the Moment
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