Arild Aambø, Oslo, Norway
Keep it clean and simple!
Corina Ahlers, Vienna, Austria
Memories of Steve and Insoo
Marianne and Kaspar Baeschlin, Winterthur, Switzerland
Steve de Shazer and educators
Janet Beavin Bavelas, Victoria, BC, Canada
Memories of Steve and Insoo
Hans Benniks, Hilversum, The Netherlands
How Steve de Shazer has influenced my life as a therapist
Ursula Bühlmann-Stahli, Bern, Switzerland
Encounters for life
Hélène Dellucci, Lyon, France
My encounter with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg
Kirsten Dierolf, Frankfurt, Germany
Found in translation
Yvonne Dolan, Chicago, USA
Hope is in the details, good days and bad days
Heinrich Dreesen, Bremen, Germany
A talking shirt and three oranges
Wolfgang and Marianne Gaiswinkler Roessler, Vienna, Austria
Our learning journey
Evan George, London, UK
"Just a bunch of talk"
Wallace J. Gingerich, Cleveland, USA
Observing what works
Joachim Hesse, Euskirchen, Germany
The miracle question as the beginning of a potentially wonderful healing
Debbie Hogan, Singapore, Republic of Singapore
A lasting legacy
Svea van der Hoorn, Cape Town, South Africa
Tragedy excavating to compost-making:
A journey that has progressed while reading Minimal Elegance by Steve de Shazer
Michael F. Hoyt, San Rafael, California, USA
Remembering Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg
Luc Isebaert, Bruges, Belgium
Steve in Bruges
Peter De Jong, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
My time with Steve and Insoo in Milwaukee
Peter Kaimer, Bamberg, Germany
Markers in rough terrain: Three memories of Steve & Insoo
Esther Maria Keil, Berlin, Germany
Harry Korman, Malmö, Sweden
Meeting Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg
Jan Kuipers, Groningen, The Netherlands
Respectful - Patient - Creative - Original - Unique: an encounter with Insoo Kim Berg
Jacek Lelonkiewicz, Lódz, Poland
Miracles, earthquakes and lessons
Eve Lipchik, Milwaukee, USA
Kurt Ludewig, Münster, Germany
The return to useful practice - or 'What I owe to Steve among other things'
Alasdair J. Macdonald, Carlisle, UK
Meeting Steve and Insoo
Mark McKergow, London, UK
Steve de Shazer: A different kind of cleverness (...and Paul Gonslaves)
Gale Miller, Milwaukee, USA
A guy from Milwaukee: Memories of Steve de Shazer
Scott. D. Miller, Chicago, USA
Harumph and hard work: Five years with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Berg at BFTC
Thorana S. Nelson, Utah, USA
Plamen Panayotov, Rousse, Bulgaria
Farewell to Insoo and Steve
Harvey Ratner, London, UK
Insoo: A woman of many parts
Gudrun Sickinger, Bremen, Germany
The wonder of the miracle question - you may wonder...
Therese Steiner, Embrach, Switzerland
Some memories
Philip Streit, Graz, Austria
So dry, so warm, so austere, so emotional - Steve de Shazer's exciting therapy
Vratislav Strnad, Prague, Czech Republic
Paradigmatic Suspense Summoned up by SFBT with Steve and Insoo
Peter Sundman, Helsinki, Finland
"Be creative!" - Steve's motto for how to develop solution-focused practice
Peter Szabó, Basel, Switzerland
Time with Steve and Insoo
Frank N. Thomas, Ford Worth, Texas, USA
Recursive memories of Insoo and Steve
Terry S. Trepper, Chicago, USA
"We have chairs here"
Coert Visser, Utrecht, The Netherlands
"You don't know what a mountain is, do you?"
Manfred Vogt, Bremen, Germany
A question of attitude
Michele Weiner-Davis, Boulder, USA
Thoughts of Steve and Insoo
John Wheeler, Newcastle, UK
Memories of Insoo and Steve
Ferdinand Wolf, Hornstein, Austria
Three episodes with Steve de Shazer: personal and professional
Sabine Zehnder Schlapbach, Bern, Switzerland
After 10 years Steve and Insoo are still ever present!
Yvonne Dolan, Chicago, USA
Recipes from Milwaukee
441 days ago
728 days ago
850 days ago
857 days ago